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Monday, 2 January 2006
Opportunites Everywhere

 Colossians 4:4-6 (NIV)
"Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone."So I was on the way home from work last night when I spotted a hitch-hiker, which normally I would drive on by. Now if your familiar with the prompting of the Holy Spirit you'll understand what I'm saying when I say I had no choice but to stop. To others you'll know this simply as a premonition. So I did, I stopped and offered this stranger a ride. Turns out he was heading near to where I live. So I informed him that it would be no problem to take him to where he needed to go. As we were driving along and engaging in conversation he tells me that he has brain cancer, which was obvious to me with his hairless top under his hat. He seemed to be around my age, which is 27. I began to share with him the story of my wife's grandmother who was healed of cancer when we prayed last year. His interest was perked alright. Anything that could give him some hope. I shard with him that Jesus is still a healing God and that all we have to do is believe. I told him that I would like to pray with him before I dropped him off. So a few moments later we were at his destination and I asked him if I could pray for him, and with such innocence he ask "How do you do that"? Simple faith like a child, eager to know what to do. So he cheekishly sat there as I thanked God for bringing him (Mike) across my path and began to pray for healing. It wasn't long and there were no immediate outward happenings, but in my spirit I knew something happened and I may never now this side of eternity. As he closed my van door, gave a simple wave goodbye and walked away, I could only believe that I know God and I know His healing touch is not limited by our sight. Remember, walk by faith not by sight. I prayed for him again last night with my wife, hoping someday we will meet again. And so if you happen to think of this Mike throughout your day, would you stop a moment and pray for his healing and his salvation? We will all pool our faith together and hope one day we will hear of amazing things in his life.

'Look for opportunities for God to use you'


Posted by springoflifemin at 12:51 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 28 September 2006 1:08 AM EDT

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