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Wednesday, 25 January 2006
Secret Place

Ephesians 1:19-21 
Christ is seated at God the Fathers right hand, in heavenly places... FAR ABOVE principalities. Now if we look further at Ephesians 2:6 it says that we are seated with Christ, where, in heavenly places FAR ABOVE principalities.
Now we know the devil is walking around seeking whom he may devour, notice it says whom not who, Do you know the difference. Who is referring to whoever he pleases or in this case whoever he can find.
So if we are seated with Christ in heavenly place, how can the devil find us? If he found, you're out of the secret place? You removed yourself from the secret place because of sin. Sin allows the devil to see you and you become the "whom". You're out of position. So if you are being oppressed, don't address that which is oppressing, address yourself., you're the one that is out of position, not the devil. Repent of sin, live in holiness and convince yourself that as Eph 2:6 says, we are seated with Christ, where?, in heavenly places, and we know that is FAR ABOVE principalities. When God says FAR ABOVCE he doesn't mean from here to the other side of the world. You know how big the universe is right? So when God is saying you are far above the devil, you are FAR above the devil. So far he can't see you. when God says far, he means far. As high as what? The heavens are above the earth.
Sit with Christ and when you find yourself out of that place, get back quickly as possible or you become a target for the enemy. Stay in the Secret Place. Some people refer to it as personal prayer time or fleeting moment, but scripture tells us that we are seated with Christ in Heavenly places. Allow the Holy Spirit to convince you that is your position.
Written by: Greg McLarty

Posted by springoflifemin at 2:25 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 28 September 2006 1:07 AM EDT

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