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Sunday, 29 January 2006
God Still. Speaking

John 16:13-14

Hebrews 1:1-2 
John 14:26
In old God spoke through His prophets, but now ALL can hear the voice of God He speaks only what he hears, and He will lead us into all truth. How does God speak today? Through the bible, prayer, circumstances, and other believers.
How do we know God is speaking?
Scripture over and over again demonstrates that those the Lord chose to speak to, all knew that is was God, and all knew what He was saying.
Sin has so affected us (Romans 3:10-11) you and I cannot understand the truth of God unless the Holy Spirit reveals it. He is the teacher. When he teaches you the Word of God, sit before Him and respond to Him.. As you pray, watch to see how He uses scripture to confirm in your heart a word from God. Watch what He is doing around you in circumstances. The God who is speaking to you as you pray and the God who is speaking to you in the scriptures is the God who is working around you.
John 10:2-4; 14 Jesus said. 'the man who enters by the gate is the shepherd of his sheep the sheep listen to his voice His sheep follow him because they know his voice "I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me"The key to hearing his voice is not a formula. Knowing God's voice comes from an intimate love relationship with God. That is why those who do not have the relationship ( do not belong to Him ) do not hear what God is saying. ( John 8:47 )Your relationship to Him is of the utmost importance. If you never hear the voice of God, and I've even heard people tell me that its not for them, that their spouse hears from God, but they never do, consider the facts, you don't belong to Him. Sounds harsh, but I don't know about you, I am tired of a compromised Christianity. Its clear in the word, If your His you'll hear..
Is it wrong to ask for confirmation or a sign?. Not necessarliy , but let me explain. When God spoke to Ellissa and I to go to the DTS in Texas three years ago, we had no where near the funds needed to attend the training school. But we knew that we knew God called us to go. We responded to God without a sign. As we stepped out, and joined God at work around us the miraculous followed. God spoke to Ellissa while watching the hour of Healing show with Richard Roberts on a Wednesday night. God healed her of bad circulations in her feet and told her to go to Buffalo that Friday, where brother Roberts would be ministering and share her testimony of her healing. So we went - OBEDIENCE - and when Ellissa got to share with brother Roberts what had happened and how it strengthened our faith to believe God for the provisions for the school, God moved. Holy Spirit spoke through Richard and said, before you leave tonight, you will receive every penny that you need and he pulled out a $100 bill and planted the first seed. He called on the audience to give as well. When we left that night we had $4030.00 USD and along with other donations we received we had more than enough for our school.
Listen, its not wrong to ask for confirmation, but if you know the voice of God and you hear Him speak, I challenge you to put your faith in action and watch the confirmations and miraculous follow close behind. And if they don't, step back and reconsider if you really heard the voice of God.
The danger that could come from seeking a sign is that is shows unbelief and it allows the devil and even your own mind to manipulate the situation. The Pharisees asked Jesus for a sign, and He condemned them as a "wicked and adulterous generation" (Matt 12:38-39) They were so self-centred they could not even recognize that God was in their midst ( see Luke 19:41-44 )
Friends, God loves you and He wants to have an intimate relationship with you. He wants you to depend on only Him when you are seeking a word from Him. He wants to you to learn to hear His voice and know His will. Your relationship to Him is the key to hearing when God speaks to you. If you have trouble hearing God speak, You are in trouble at the very heart of your christian experience.
I pray that this has encouraged, challenged and even stirred your faith.

Posted by springoflifemin at 4:02 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 28 September 2006 1:07 AM EDT

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