I wanted to share something with you that the Lord just revealed to me last night. It's about healing. Last night I was starting to feel really nauseous to the point I had Greg go get the bucket! I hardly ever throw up unless I am really sick. It came on all of a sudden and the stomach flu has been going around, so I assumed that's what it was. Greg however started to feel the same way as soon as i told him what i was feeling. So he began to pray.
In times past when I have been sick I would just let him pray and never expected anything to happen. This time was different. As Greg prayed I lying there trying not to "up chuck" so to say. I thought to myself "well Lord I am going to just lay here until you heal me?" I didn't ask. I expected to receive the gift of healing. Then I felt this warm sensation from the top of my head to the souls of my feet. It was like he was cleaning my body of the virus. I went from this awful nauseous feeling to felling like nothing was wrong. It got me thinking of my past mentality about healing. I always believed and had grown up around people getting healed in services. But I never waited and expected it to happen. The Lord wants to heal!! But we stand there and let people pray for us not waiting or expecting it to be given right away. And well that's exactly what happens, nothing. It's like inviting your friend over for your birthday and she says she has a gift for you. You open the door and then close it on her and walk away. Your friend would feel very disappointed because you shut the door before she could even get a chance to give you your gift. So let's examine the reasons why we don't leave the door open to the Lord for very long.1.We are afraid of looking like a fool to others with our door left open, that makes us vulnerable.
2.We are afraid that Jesus will be standing their empty handed. Only to disappoint us. So rather than get disappointed, we don't expect anything. (No hurt involved.
3.We fear that it's sovereignty and say well Lord if you want to heal me or if it's your will do so. That's putting no faith in God at all. If it was sovereignty the Lord would tell you not disappoint you.
OFF COURSE ITS HIS WILL. Dying prematurely is rarely God's will. We were promised 120years in the bible. God is a God of His word, believe it. Expect the Lord to give you the reward of his suffering. IT IS HIS JOY!!!. Open yourself up to receive it.
Written by: Ellissa McLarty