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Tuesday, 6 June 2006
Healing Through the Atonement

“Lord if it’s your will, would you please heal…” How many times have we heard that statement from someone or uttered by our own lips when praying for someone to be healed? So when they are not healed, we chalk it up to God’s Sovereignty. In essence we put the blame back on God and remove ourselves from all responsibility. But all along healing is up to us. Let me explain before you call me a heretic. We have to understand the provision of healing that was given to us through Calvary, is the same provision provided for salvation. God has completely provided the provision for both. His job is completed. Why do you think the last thing Jesus said on the cross was “IT IS FINISHED” He was declaring I have completed my work here. Jesus told us to go and lay hands on the sick in His name and they will recover. He empowered us for the work. There is nothing more He can do to provide for healing. We need to believe for it and receive the gift healing with the same faith we receive the gift of salvation. Why are we surprised when someone is healed? When someone responds to a salvation message and gives their life to Christ why doesn’t that surprise us then? If the provision is the same, neither should surprise us, but both bring glory to the Father throught the work of the Son.
We also know that sin entered the world by one man and through that same man death came. Sometimes there may be sin in our life that has allowed sickness its legal right to our bodies. You need to understand that the devil is looking for an open door. Don’t allow sin to fester. If you sin, and believe me if you’re a child of God you know immediately when you do, repent quickly. If you don’t, that door is going to be left wide open and the devil is going to walk right in, and at that point he has every right to. The problem for most of us is taking the responsibility of admitting our faults and shortcomings. It takes humility. We love to point and play the blame game, but the fact is sometimes it’s our own fault. Other times, because we are children of God therefore we are just a target of the enemy. I know some of you are thinking about Job. The devil had a field day with this righteous man who seemingly did nothing wrong. You may say what about Job, but might I remind you again of the words of Jesus. “IT IS FINISHED.”
I share this because I too need to remind myself this message. We must understand sickness is not of God and only comes from the plans and schemes of the enemey. Why is it as the body of Christ we have bought into the belief that we have to leave the world on the devils terms? He is the one who has come to kill, steal, and destroy, but Jesus came that we may have life and have it more abundantly. So is lying in a hospital bed awaiting the doctor’s report living more abundantly? NO, that’s living according to the devils terms. Why can’t we go out like Smith Wigglesworth? This man of God knew His time was up and in his 80’s said, Ok that’s it, I’m checking out!
I encourage you to exercise your faith for healing. Jesus did the hard part; we just need to believe that He really did. Remind yourself this:
If I am a child of God, then “BY HIS STRIPES I AM HEALED.”

Posted by springoflifemin at 7:40 PM EDT
Friday, 7 April 2006
Missing David

Lies, adultery, murder. The description of the latest television show or a man after Gods own heart? If you guessed a television show, in most cases you are right, but in this instance I am referring to a man that loved God with all of his heart, King David.

Stop and think for a moment. Those three words at the beginning describe David at a time in his life, yet God calls him a man after His own heart. How can this be? David had what we know as a repentive heart. When put face to face with his sin, David repented and turned back to a heart of worship.

When God gives us a warning not to judge it is for a reason. I believe that we are MISSING DAVID.

I know that there are men and women of God who today still posses that same heart. Who love God with all they have within in them, but are cast aside and judged by other “Christians” based upon a few visible mistakes they have made in their life. I understand that the word says we can tell how a person is doing spiritually if we look at the “fruit” in their life, but what fruit are we measuring by. Our own standards or the word of God?
Let’s look at Galatians 5:22-23. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. This and no other, is the fruit which we are to look for in others. A person may struggle from time to time with what the church has labeled the ‘bad sins’, but could be showing more of these fruits of the Spirit in their lives than the ones doing the finger pointing. The problem is we have classified sin, making one worse than another. All sin leads to death. I do, however, find it kind of ironic that the word of God puts a lot of emphasis on avoiding gossip, slander, envy, jealously and such.
People have been turned off of God and church because of this judgmental attitude. Not to mention the wonderful blessing these David’s could have poured out to the church if only they were held up instead of kicked down. We have met a few of these David’s. They truly are passionate about God, but are sick of being judged for mistakes they have made. And the more they're being judged, the more crushed they become and before long that passionate heart for God becomes hard. We as believers are responsible for that heart being turned away from God and God will judge us accordingly.

So the next time you see someone struggling; reach down in the dirt, get yourself mucky, put them on your shoulders and carry them back to the Father so we don’t miss another David. Remember David was a man after God’s own heart. Let’s learn from these David’s

Posted by springoflifemin at 8:19 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 28 September 2006 1:10 AM EDT
Tuesday, 28 March 2006
Not Just A Story

The first time this became a reality for me was one night 5 years ago…This may be hard for some of you reading this to comprehend, but this is true and these things do happen to people around the world.
One night while I lay sleeping in bed, I started to dream. Soon in my dream my spirit was taken up into the presence of God. As I looked around I was surrounded by stars. My spirit had been taken into the heavenly realm. I was then sitting in front of an angel who was dressed in a beautiful purple colour that sparkled like nothing I had ever seen before. Never before or since have I seen such a radiant colour. At this very moment I knew I was in heaven!
I could feel the difference in the atmosphere. I felt more ‘Alive’ then, than I do right now as I tell you about this experience. That’s what feeling alive means, being in the manifest presence of God. The angel then said to me “Hello Ellissa.” I simply responded in kind. From that place the angel took me to a place on earth, a lobby of a building that looked like a waiting room of some sort. He then showed me a cow made out of felt. Many times in the bible God used cows or other symbolic things to convey a message to His people. Then the angel was holding a zipper beneath the cow. As he was ready to unzip the cow he turned to me and said. “Are you sure you’re ready? This isn’t just a story!” He repeated the question at least three times. Each time I said “Yes, Yes I am!” He didn’t unzip the cow in front of me because that ‘cleaning out’ was yet to come. It was symbolic of God wanting to cleanse me from within. That is why the angel asked me if I was ready.
We were then standing in front of a door that said ‘Genesis’, which is the first book in the bible. It represented a new beginning. From there we went into a room that looked like an auditorium. There were about twenty people sitting in the first two rows of seats. There was also a very tall man with blondish hair speaking to this group of people. I remember thinking that he was being a little harsh on these people. The angel was showing me of ‘hardships’ yet to come in our lives, but was necessary in our preparation for ministry.
I was then led out of the room into complete darkness and I was left with the most frightening feeling of my life. I felt what it was like to die without knowing Jesus and spend an eternity in hell. Let me be blunt with you for a moment because I do not want to be held responsible for not giving you every opportunity to give your life to Jesus. You have to know that if you die without giving your life to Him and accept His free gift of salvation through His death and resurrection, you WILL spend eternity separated from the presence of God. That my friend is what the bible calls “Hell”. For a moment I felt this agony. Even though words cannot do it justice, here is my attempt. It felt like being the only one in the entire world left alone in complete darkness, with the most fearful things around you and no one to rescue you. Complete helplessness, as I fell endlessly into a pit of darkness. There was no one to turn to. The bible describes it as a place where there will be “weeping and gnashing of teeth!” There is also the lake of fire.
Some of you will ask, “Why does God let people go there if He loves them so much?” He doesn’t let or send anyone there. The bible says that God desires that no one perish and that all men come to Him. They choose to go there in a way when they reject Jesus, the Son of God, who is the only way to God. When you reject Him, you’re choosing an eternity without Him, which is hell.
When the experience was over, I woke up and instantly I had a deep passion for people to come to know God personally and intimately. I knew I had been given a mandate to tell all of you who don’t know God in this way to consider everything I have told you and give Jesus your heart and life. What I felt was real, and it’s what Jesus feels ever time he watches someone die without knowing Him. It breaks His heart. So I plead with you today, if you don’t know Jesus, take a leap of faith and ask Him to reveal himself to you.
What the angel was trying to reveal to me was that is wasn’t “Just A Story”, IT WAS REAL!!! I was seeing the cow as felt; just like I had bible stories shown to me with little felt people and animals as a child in Sunday school. As much as I knew the message of the gospel and accepted the Lord as a young child, I was still seeing it as felt pictures. I was taken by this angel to show me the reality of the message of the gospel and to prepare me to demonstrate it.
Through the healing and training I have been through, God knew I would need it for the cleansing of my heart because of the rough waters I was heading into. It’s hard when we are faced with the reality of the condition of our heart, but Jesus has so much love for us that He took the time to send one of His messengers to prepare me for the year ahead.
God is more real than you think. He longs for the day when you will seek Him. However, He is a gentleman and He will never force himself on you. You have to decide to accept His gift or reject it. It’s your choice!!! I promise you this…If you take the first step and accept His free gift of love; HE WILL run towards you with arms wide open. The bible says that He came to seek and save the lost. If you do not know Him, YOU ARE LOST. Won’t you answer Him today?
Our ministry is non-religious. We want to help equip and love people into their destiny, and teach those who desire to know God. If you have ANY questions write to us and let us prayerfully consider each question you may have. No question is a stupid question and no question will go unanswered.
I hope that sharing this personal experience with you has opened up the eyes of your heart to hear the voice of God.

Love in Christ
Ellissa McLarty

Posted by springoflifemin at 8:05 AM EST
Friday, 10 February 2006
A Thought on Healing

I wanted to share something with you that the Lord just revealed to me last night. It's about healing. Last night I was starting to feel really nauseous to the point I had Greg go get the bucket! I hardly ever throw up unless I am really sick. It came on all of a sudden and the stomach flu has been going around, so I assumed that's what it was. Greg however started to feel the same way as soon as i told him what i was feeling. So he began to pray.
In times past when I have been sick I would just let him pray and never expected anything to happen. This time was different. As Greg prayed I lying there trying not to "up chuck" so to say. I thought to myself "well Lord I am going to just lay here until you heal me?" I didn't ask. I expected to receive the gift of healing. Then I felt this warm sensation from the top of my head to the souls of my feet. It was like he was cleaning my body of the virus. I went from this awful nauseous feeling to felling like nothing was wrong. It got me thinking of my past mentality about healing. I always believed and had grown up around people getting healed in services. But I never waited and expected it to happen. The Lord wants to heal!! But we stand there and let people pray for us not waiting or expecting it to be given right away. And well that's exactly what happens, nothing. It's like inviting your friend over for your birthday and she says she has a gift for you. You open the door and then close it on her and walk away. Your friend would feel very disappointed because you shut the door before she could even get a chance to give you your gift. So let's examine the reasons why we don't leave the door open to the Lord for very long.1.We are afraid of looking like a fool to others with our door left open, that makes us vulnerable.
2.We are afraid that Jesus will be standing their empty handed. Only to disappoint us. So rather than get disappointed, we don't expect anything. (No hurt involved.
3.We fear that it's sovereignty and say well Lord if you want to heal me or if it's your will do so. That's putting no faith in God at all. If it was sovereignty the Lord would tell you not disappoint you.
OFF COURSE ITS HIS WILL. Dying prematurely is rarely God's will. We were promised 120years in the bible. God is a God of His word, believe it. Expect the Lord to give you the reward of his suffering. IT IS HIS JOY!!!. Open yourself up to receive it.
Written by: Ellissa McLarty

Posted by springoflifemin at 1:00 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 28 September 2006 1:06 AM EDT
Sunday, 29 January 2006
God Still. Speaking

John 16:13-14

Hebrews 1:1-2 
John 14:26
In old God spoke through His prophets, but now ALL can hear the voice of God He speaks only what he hears, and He will lead us into all truth. How does God speak today? Through the bible, prayer, circumstances, and other believers.
How do we know God is speaking?
Scripture over and over again demonstrates that those the Lord chose to speak to, all knew that is was God, and all knew what He was saying.
Sin has so affected us (Romans 3:10-11) you and I cannot understand the truth of God unless the Holy Spirit reveals it. He is the teacher. When he teaches you the Word of God, sit before Him and respond to Him.. As you pray, watch to see how He uses scripture to confirm in your heart a word from God. Watch what He is doing around you in circumstances. The God who is speaking to you as you pray and the God who is speaking to you in the scriptures is the God who is working around you.
John 10:2-4; 14 Jesus said. 'the man who enters by the gate is the shepherd of his sheep the sheep listen to his voice His sheep follow him because they know his voice "I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me"The key to hearing his voice is not a formula. Knowing God's voice comes from an intimate love relationship with God. That is why those who do not have the relationship ( do not belong to Him ) do not hear what God is saying. ( John 8:47 )Your relationship to Him is of the utmost importance. If you never hear the voice of God, and I've even heard people tell me that its not for them, that their spouse hears from God, but they never do, consider the facts, you don't belong to Him. Sounds harsh, but I don't know about you, I am tired of a compromised Christianity. Its clear in the word, If your His you'll hear..
Is it wrong to ask for confirmation or a sign?. Not necessarliy , but let me explain. When God spoke to Ellissa and I to go to the DTS in Texas three years ago, we had no where near the funds needed to attend the training school. But we knew that we knew God called us to go. We responded to God without a sign. As we stepped out, and joined God at work around us the miraculous followed. God spoke to Ellissa while watching the hour of Healing show with Richard Roberts on a Wednesday night. God healed her of bad circulations in her feet and told her to go to Buffalo that Friday, where brother Roberts would be ministering and share her testimony of her healing. So we went - OBEDIENCE - and when Ellissa got to share with brother Roberts what had happened and how it strengthened our faith to believe God for the provisions for the school, God moved. Holy Spirit spoke through Richard and said, before you leave tonight, you will receive every penny that you need and he pulled out a $100 bill and planted the first seed. He called on the audience to give as well. When we left that night we had $4030.00 USD and along with other donations we received we had more than enough for our school.
Listen, its not wrong to ask for confirmation, but if you know the voice of God and you hear Him speak, I challenge you to put your faith in action and watch the confirmations and miraculous follow close behind. And if they don't, step back and reconsider if you really heard the voice of God.
The danger that could come from seeking a sign is that is shows unbelief and it allows the devil and even your own mind to manipulate the situation. The Pharisees asked Jesus for a sign, and He condemned them as a "wicked and adulterous generation" (Matt 12:38-39) They were so self-centred they could not even recognize that God was in their midst ( see Luke 19:41-44 )
Friends, God loves you and He wants to have an intimate relationship with you. He wants you to depend on only Him when you are seeking a word from Him. He wants to you to learn to hear His voice and know His will. Your relationship to Him is the key to hearing when God speaks to you. If you have trouble hearing God speak, You are in trouble at the very heart of your christian experience.
I pray that this has encouraged, challenged and even stirred your faith.

Posted by springoflifemin at 4:02 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 28 September 2006 1:07 AM EDT
Wednesday, 25 January 2006
Secret Place

Ephesians 1:19-21 
Christ is seated at God the Fathers right hand, in heavenly places... FAR ABOVE principalities. Now if we look further at Ephesians 2:6 it says that we are seated with Christ, where, in heavenly places FAR ABOVE principalities.
Now we know the devil is walking around seeking whom he may devour, notice it says whom not who, Do you know the difference. Who is referring to whoever he pleases or in this case whoever he can find.
So if we are seated with Christ in heavenly place, how can the devil find us? If he found, you're out of the secret place? You removed yourself from the secret place because of sin. Sin allows the devil to see you and you become the "whom". You're out of position. So if you are being oppressed, don't address that which is oppressing, address yourself., you're the one that is out of position, not the devil. Repent of sin, live in holiness and convince yourself that as Eph 2:6 says, we are seated with Christ, where?, in heavenly places, and we know that is FAR ABOVE principalities. When God says FAR ABOVCE he doesn't mean from here to the other side of the world. You know how big the universe is right? So when God is saying you are far above the devil, you are FAR above the devil. So far he can't see you. when God says far, he means far. As high as what? The heavens are above the earth.
Sit with Christ and when you find yourself out of that place, get back quickly as possible or you become a target for the enemy. Stay in the Secret Place. Some people refer to it as personal prayer time or fleeting moment, but scripture tells us that we are seated with Christ in Heavenly places. Allow the Holy Spirit to convince you that is your position.
Written by: Greg McLarty

Posted by springoflifemin at 2:25 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 28 September 2006 1:07 AM EDT
Friday, 13 January 2006
Remain Strong

'Take this world from, I don't need it anymore'. (Lyrics from Mercy Me) Is that your hearts cry. Is this world still appealing to you. That is the battle that wages on. I've really been thinking lately about what we as Christians consider holiness. Better yet what is the measuring stick that we use for holiness. As our society continues to push its own limits on what is acceptable or not the danger we face as Christians is sliding down the scale with them. What is accepted by the masses doesn't always or should I say rarely make its acceptable for Christians. Our measuring stick is not based upon the worlds morality, but by the unchanging word of God. The temptation to slide down the morality pole is a constant battle for us all, but even with the risk of being labeled a fanatic we must hold true the Word that says in:Philippians 4:8 For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them]. (Amplified Bible)Remember a lot of things and people change over time, just look at the last 50 years, but the Word of God stands and remains the same forever and that alone is our guide!!!


Posted by springoflifemin at 9:51 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 28 September 2006 1:08 AM EDT
Monday, 2 January 2006
Opportunites Everywhere

 Colossians 4:4-6 (NIV)
"Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone."So I was on the way home from work last night when I spotted a hitch-hiker, which normally I would drive on by. Now if your familiar with the prompting of the Holy Spirit you'll understand what I'm saying when I say I had no choice but to stop. To others you'll know this simply as a premonition. So I did, I stopped and offered this stranger a ride. Turns out he was heading near to where I live. So I informed him that it would be no problem to take him to where he needed to go. As we were driving along and engaging in conversation he tells me that he has brain cancer, which was obvious to me with his hairless top under his hat. He seemed to be around my age, which is 27. I began to share with him the story of my wife's grandmother who was healed of cancer when we prayed last year. His interest was perked alright. Anything that could give him some hope. I shard with him that Jesus is still a healing God and that all we have to do is believe. I told him that I would like to pray with him before I dropped him off. So a few moments later we were at his destination and I asked him if I could pray for him, and with such innocence he ask "How do you do that"? Simple faith like a child, eager to know what to do. So he cheekishly sat there as I thanked God for bringing him (Mike) across my path and began to pray for healing. It wasn't long and there were no immediate outward happenings, but in my spirit I knew something happened and I may never now this side of eternity. As he closed my van door, gave a simple wave goodbye and walked away, I could only believe that I know God and I know His healing touch is not limited by our sight. Remember, walk by faith not by sight. I prayed for him again last night with my wife, hoping someday we will meet again. And so if you happen to think of this Mike throughout your day, would you stop a moment and pray for his healing and his salvation? We will all pool our faith together and hope one day we will hear of amazing things in his life.

'Look for opportunities for God to use you'


Posted by springoflifemin at 12:51 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 28 September 2006 1:08 AM EDT
Saturday, 31 December 2005
Friends & Mentors

I just finished writing an email to my pastor and mentor Dr. Pepe Mutiri, a man that deeply impacted my life more in four months than many oth
ers have in years of relationship. So today I want to briefly share with you the importance of having mentors and older, thus wiser friends in your life. Ellissa and I have made it a habit over the past few years to surround ourselves with these such people. The wealth of godly wisdom obtained would marvel the greatest of minds. I don't know everything, and no these mentors and friends may not know everything either, but one thing I learned, they know more than me. These individuals in my life have loved, challenged, guided, and even rebuked me. I allow them that right in my life. I need these people in my life, and the bible encourages these kinds of relationships. But don't just let anyone be those people. If everyone agrees with everything you said and did, what good would that be. I call those yes people, too afraid to speak the truth. These special people in your life should be older, and deeper in their Christian walk than you. Don't just give these special places in your life to anyone. Remember your the student and these people are going to help shape the person you will become.


Posted by springoflifemin at 6:49 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 28 September 2006 1:00 AM EDT

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