Kicking off these shoes of religion,
They have held me down like weights,
They appeared to most like the perfect set of shoes, nice in color
and tied up so great!
But you lord have seen where these shoes have been. I have tried
to shine the scuffs and scraps.
But you oh Lord know they are fake.
Now I hear you say to put on a new pair of shoes,
A pair that will tread upon serpents and snakes
You say that the shoes of religion will hold me down and limit
what you can do.
You plead with me to take them off rip them off!!
Do what you must do!!!!
I say, My
people are hurting, My people are dying
My people, my people…..
But you can’t see because you have been too busy shining
your shoes,
For all to see!!! Quit playing there games
While my PEOPLE are dying! While my people are hurting,
OPEN YOUR EYES I want to set my children Free!!!
Will you wear my shoes? They will not limit you or put you
in a cage
They will free you, To run with the horses
To fly with the eagles, To sing with the angels
To move with the wind, where ever it may lead!
These shoes will not look as pretty as the old ones,
They will have scuffs and scraps, But because they have been to
the house of heartache,
To the place of pain,
Been on the one who is familiar with suffering,
Walked with the broken hearted,
Carried those who have been abandoned and abused
There you will find these shoes on Jesus
It is there he will release you to bring his healing to his hurting.
Will you Go?
He is waiting to give you his shoes of grace
A Poem by: Ellissa McLarty